Learn About Me

I am Christina, a busy homeschool mama ( going on 21 years of teaching!)  of 3 boys and a girl. Two of my boys are in college now, but I still teach my 9yr. old daughter and my 7 yr. old son.

Everyday is a gift from God, so I strive to enjoy every moment.

As I go about my day out in public I always try to remember that I never know the life of the person standing beside me.  My motto is, be kind and always try to speak with salt and love.

I am here to share some of my life with you and give some Christian encouragement along the way. I have put many recipes on this site and now working on adding other exciting content. Woo-Hoo!

It’s exercise time! I love to stay active and want to keep improving.

Always remember to have fun in life and that it is good to laugh!

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